Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 55: Sew Sue Me

Believe it or not folks, but this adorable hat was knit for me a couple Christmases ago by my BROTHER, Derek. Yep! My brother!
I took it with me on my walk tonight with Peter and it made me a little homesick. It warmed my head and my heart!
Thanks, Derek, for such a thoughtful gift (he made it while we were living in Wisconsin and he knew I walked to work even during the winter months). Thanks for being a great oldest brother! You are very generous and thoughtful to everyone around you. Love ya!

I had to send an email to one of the ladies at work today and I'm not all the way familiar with everyones' last names. So, I did a search in our database for "Sue" and it only came back with one "Sue". The email domain was gmail instead of our company name, but I sent it anyway.
Naturally, after I sent it I decided to walk to Sue's office and confirm her last name. Here's how the conversation went.
Me: Sue, I just tried sending you an email but I wonder if I sent it to the wrong Sue.
She: Who did you send it to?
Me: Sue _____.
(There was one other coworker in the room and when I mentioned the other Sue's name there was a bit of a "look" between them, followed by a very brief pause.)
She: Well, she's dead so I don't think you need to worry about her intercepting it.
Me: (shock crosses my face) Oh! Sorry. Uh. OK.
And then we all started laughing at the alive-Sue's blunt response and my completely candid reaction.
Oh dear.

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