Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 290: No Stone Left Unturned

So thankful for rest, water, antibiotics, indoor plumbing and Netflix.  I'm also thankful for frozen pizza and sick pay.  Without these things, I may not have made it as easily through the day. :)

Ha ha:

There comes a time in the lives of the lucky when they triumph over a foe or pass a difficult test...or in my case--a kidney stone.  
There comes a time in the lives of the unlucky when they pass their second kidney stone.
There comes a time in the lives of poor souls when they pass their third kidney stone.
And there comes a time in my life when I've done all the above, and then some, topped by another stone yesterday.
Now I just view them as a "drop in the bucket" or toilet.  What's that doc?  I have four more in my kidney?  There's a chance they could just stay in there and not bother me?  Ha!  We'll see about that!
Fortunately for me, my coworkers were able to cover so I could stay home to drink and pee to my bladder's content.  Oh yah, cause I have a bladder infection too!  Ha!

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