I have had two very happy and playful days in a row. I didn't realize just how much I needed these days until I'd had them. I have had a couple of really great dates with my H.B., great laughs with friends and several special reflective moments that have provided me an opportunity to recognize and ponder on all of the many blessings in my life.
Ha ha:
Today. Was. Hysterical! I brought a Fart Machine to work.
My first victim was my coworker, Michelle.
I had been waiting ALL DAY for one of my close-by coworkers to get up from their desk so I could plant the machine. When she got up for lunch--I planted. I put the machine under her purse so it was nice and muffled, and then I told my two other coworkers to not react so we could really get a good reaction outta her. For some reason, my machine kept responding to other signals in the office and was going off on its own, but when Michelle came back to her desk, and the room had grown real quiet...it went off. Michelle turned around and said, "What the?" and started frantically looking around under her desk. Lissa, Kelli and I were literally shaking back laughter till Michelle spotted the Fart Machine and busted up laughing. We all "let loose" and were "cracking" up. By the time we stopped laughing, Michelle was crying, Kelli was snorting, Lissa was choking on her drink, and I never really stopped.
2nd Victim: Christine
Christine is around my mom's age and was raised in a fairly proper British home. As she was walking by my desk to say "goodbye" at the end of the day she mentioned something about being filled with cream puffs and I couldn't resist. The machine went off and she turned around and said, "What was that?" She started looking around with a concerned look on her face while all the rest of us were dying with laughter. I don't think she thought it was as funny as we did.
3rd Victim: Hema
Hema is one of our fellow doctors. She is a pretty reserved Indian, but can have a good sense of humor. As she was walking out the door, I pushed the button. Her eyes got as big as a deers and she exclaimed, "What was that?" I pushed it again. "What's happening you guys? Where's that coming from?" Again and again. "Who's doing that?" One of the other fellows came out and asked, "Are you farting Hema?" and just kept on walking in the other direction without waiting for a response. We were dying! Hema pulled open the door to leave and said, "I'm just contributing to nature's gasses." HILARIOUS!
Our last encounter of the day was with one of the attending physicians. As he walked by, I "let it rip". He wanted to know why were were laughing, so when we told him he asked, "Have you heard my iFart?" Hearing him ask that was funny enough, "butt" then he brought out his iPhone and played us a few toots and we were in absolute stitches.
After letting the machine rumble through all of its many sounds, Lissa said, "Sadly, all those sounds remind me of my grandma, God rest her soul!" to which I promptly replied, "And her bowels!"
I probably laughed harder and longer today than I have in quite a while. What a blast, and oh-so mature!
5 years ago
Haha! I'm just catching up on some of these! This post brought back memories of doing similar pranks in the mall on choir tour. Funny times! Gotta love the reactions!