Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 167: Dates

I have been so busy and have had hardly any time with Clinton, it seems.  He was on call which means he could have been gone till the wee hours of Saturday morning.  However, I said a little prayer that, if at all possible, he could come home early so we could have a date.  I got a text at 5:38pm from him saying he was on his way home!  Yippee!! (direct quote from my response to his text)

Ha ha:
The Intimidator was talking to my coworker about some scheduling issues.  He wanted Dr. Simpatico to attend a conference one a date that would conflict with his clinical duties.  She pointed this out and The Intimidator said, "Don't worry about it.  We'll find coverage."  Overhearing this I calmly replied, "Don't worry about it--I'll cover."
This got a pretty good laugh...even from The Intimidator!

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