Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 26: Just as Good, if not Better, than the First Time Around

While I was up in Grande Prairie, Clinton told me that my application status for my permanent residency had changed from "In Progress" to "Decision Made" and that a letter with further details would be mailed to us. Unfortunately nothing is disclosed on the website and lots of forums were saying it can take up to two months to hear from Immigration. I had decided not to worry about it and to just let the Lord handle it.
On our way out to supper I had Clinton stop at our post office box and lo and behold, what did I find? Confirmation of Permanent Residence letter from immigration! This is great news! It means that my next step is to cross the border back into the states, re-enter Canada, present my documents to Immigration and if all goes well, they'll grant me my permanent resident status!! Yay!!!
Prayers for this last step are still appreciated, but I'm sure everything will go fine. :)
10 years ago, almost to the day, Clinton was granted his visa to come to the states. And now, 10 years later, I've been granted confirmation that I'm welcome to come to Canada. It was a great birthday present then and it's a great birthday present today!!

First thing I said when I woke up this morning:
"Well, it's official, Dani, you're 30."
I can't believe it.
Clinton sent me a text from work later in the morning that said:
"Happy 29th birthday (take 2)!!!"
This made me feel so much better.
Happy 29th birthday (take 2), to me!

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