Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 263: Warm Fuzzies

I was contacted by a friend of mine out of the blue yesterday and we talked on the phone for well over an hour.  Our conversation was all over the place, but it was so nice to just sit and chat.  We live a long ways from each other but I am so thankful for technology that allows us to stay close.  Thank you Larinda, for thinking of me and I will love you forever!

Ha ha:
The weather here has been AMAZING!!!  75 degrees yesterday and I was stuck in my office.  That is, until I told everyone I'd "be back in a minute" and then I went outside, strategically dodged the goose poop and sat on the sidewalk to bask in the warmth of the shining sun!  Oh, it felt so good.  The best part?  25 minutes away from my desk.

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