Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 365: Just Picture It, One Year and Counting

Ok, it's official: This is my 365th aha/ha ha posting!! I can't believe that I've made it, I've posted a blessing and something humorous every single day for the last year! Whoa!! I was reminiscing with Clinton the other day about how this day was soon approaching and it hit me...I now have a complete year's worth of memories and happenings from our lives. What a great treasure!
We have been so blessed this last year! I am so grateful for all of "reminders" from the Lord to record bits and pieces from each day. There were many times when I couldn't think of anything to write on a particular day, but when I'd begin to write something would come to mind.
 I also feel like my ability to laugh at life has increased. I think that if I weren't looking for something funny to record every day, I could have very easily become upset or irritated by those things instead of just seeing them as funny. Recording the events of our lives has been a blessing this last year and I hope to continue for a long time to come!

 Ha ha:
Clinton was doodling during Sacrament meeting on Sunday so I asked him to draw a picture of me.
I asked him why my eyes were crossed and he said, "Cause you're crazy." So, I decided it was my turn to draw one of him.
He didn't think it was that funny, but I did. :)

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