Sunday, June 26, 2011

We're Funny and Spiritual!

So, I've desperately been wanting to blog, but have found myself wanting when it came to what the heck I should write about.  During a talk on recording our memories a blogging bulb turned on...I could write about the blessings I notice in my life each day.  I became very excited about this and felt some hope at being able to again contribute to the blogging world.  Then I realized I had even more to give...we are hilarious!  Why couldn't I write a blog post each day which contains something spiritual and something outright funny from our day?  Genius!  "I shall do it!", I proclaimed.  I will record our "aha" and "ha ha" moments.

So, first things first--Aha.  I have been praying a lot lately for understanding and encouragement regarding this adoption process.  I have asked the Lord to know if there is anything else I could/should be doing to ensure I have done all I can to help this work along.  I wanted to know if there was anything else I could do.  I haven't been feeling like an answer came until I listened to one of the speakers at church today.  She was talking about living our lives in such a way that we can hear and follow the spirit when it prompts us to do something.  She said that it is our responsibility to remember that the Lord is in control and that if we are doing our part, He will always bless us and will do so at the right time and in the right way for us.  His way is always better than our way and we need to trust Him.  I totally knew this already, but I needed to hear it again.  I've heard it many times and said it to others many times in my life, but it was so refreshing to hear those words again today.  They were meant for me but they can apply to any one of us in every situation of our lives.

Ha ha--I have a few to list, which I will do over the next few days, but here is a brief one from this afternoon.  Clinton and I had both fallen asleep in the living room this afternoon, I on the couch and he on the floor.  Anyway, when I woke up I was looking at him and admiring his cute sleeping self.  He woke and asked me why I was staring.
Me:  You're cute.
He:  (Shakes his head)
Me:  What, I can't think you're cute?
He:  Nope.
Me:  Why not?
He:  I'm trouble.  I'll break your heart.

That kid cracks me up!  I don't know how or where he comes up with some of this stuff, but he makes me laugh everyday!

1 comment:

  1. What a great spiritual thought. When I look back at my life, I know that it is true. That God's way is always better than our way and we need to trust him. And watch out for Clinton...
