Hello all,
I just wanted to let you know that I have opened up my infertility blog for all to see (misc. cheers!) Anyway, it is personal information, but I need all the input and advice I can get. I've started on a new path of discovery...the path to discover ME! I still struggle with wanting a baby, however, I am trying to realize that it is okay that I don't have one and that I am being blessed with time for ME.
I'd like to say that I'm sorry to anyone I have annoyed/frustrated/hurt/or made uncomfortable during this time in my life. I hadn't realized the impact of my woes to those around me and I want you to know that I am trying to improve myself and just enjoy the journey. It is a process, but I already feel tons better!
I know that many of you already have children (AND THAT'S OKAY!), but I'd like to get any words of comfort, advice or whatever from as many people as I can as I try to become ME again.
Read as far back as you'd like on the blog, it may help you see where I've come from.
I love you all!