Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 108: Banff, Lake Louise and The Pitts

We decided to take the parents to Banff for the day. When we first got there it was slightly cold and pretty windy. Within about five minutes the sun came out and the breeze all but stopped. Gorgeous weather in a gorgeous place!
We stopped for some lunch at Earls, got some fudge and other goodies at The Fudgery, did lots of window shopping and then got back in the car and headed over to Lake Louise.
When we got to Lake Louise it was raining and cold. Within about 5 minutes the sun came out and the temp rose to a comfortable level--what luck! The lake was frozen over but it was still beautifully amazing! Wowee!
It was a great day and everything was so lovely!!

Our waitress at Earls was really nice but I couldn't help but stare at the deodorant crumbles clinging for dear life to her tank-topped armpits.
Next time I want crumbles on my salad I'll ask for it directly. (Shudder)

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